Sunday, May 26, 2013

10 Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes.

1.Have a complete dilated eye exam.                                                                   
2.make out your family’s eye health olden times.
3.Eat right to care for your sight.
4.Maintain a healthy weight                                                                                 
5.Wear protecting eye-wear.
6.stop smoking or never start.
7.Be fresh and wear your tinted lenses.                                                                
8.Give your eyes a take a break.
9.Clean your hands and your contact lenses—properly.
10.Practice workplace eye safety.                                                                          
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Friday, May 24, 2013

What is mobile radiation?

 Radiation is an English word. Radiations means One type of high-performance magnetic electrical power.  (As like The Shining electric sky) when a person talk by mobile phone,his voice go another mobile by a power.So we can say that power is radiation.
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